Black Solusi Adsense Untuk Para Pemula

>> Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Salam Blogger Indonesia.
Uang adalah motivasi utama kita,mengapa sampai sekarang kita masih asyik berselancar di internet. Berbagai cara kita upayakan untuk meraihnya. Salah satu upaya yang kita laksanakan adalah dengan google adsense. Pemain google adsense di indonesia sudah sangat menjamur,dan sudah banyak pula dari pemain yang merasakan nikmatnya. Mobil, Tabungan Jangka Panjang, Rumah bisa mereka dapatkan, hanya dengan bermain di google adsense. Dan tidak sedikit pula dari pemain google adsense yang hingga berbulan-bulan belum merasakan nikmatnya. Sudah melaksanakan SEO segala teknik,Blogwalking kemana-mana,Update artikel setiap hari,namun earning adsense tidak bertambah-tambah, tidak ada pengunjung yang mengeclik bid2 yang terpampang. Apa yang kurang dengan segala iktiar ini!!! Bagi sebagian kita yang merasakan keadaan seperti ini, KITA TIDAK SENDIRI !!! Saya perkenalkan sebuah black solusi untuk menyiasati keadaan ini. mengapa saya katakan black, karena ini memang jalur hitam untuk mendapatkan earning dari adsense. Apa salahnya kita Coba!
Mekanisme Kerja dari black solusi adsense untuk pemula adalah

1. Saya menawarkan sebuah kerjasama Timbal Balik. Saya bekerjasama dengan anda untuk saling mengclik. Saya mengeclik iklan adsense anda,sebaliknya anda juga mengeclik iklan saya. Cukup 1 Iklan perhari.
2. Saya tawarkan solusi ini kepada pemilik 100 web/blog yang berbeda. kenapa 100 blog? bila lebih dari itu kita sangat susah memanagenya!!. 100 pengunjung adalah ukuran dari CTR ads dari adsense. Dari 100 pemilik blog/web ini, kita mengeklik iklan mereka, dan sebaliknya. Bayangkan 100 pengunjung/hari,100 clik iklan yang telah diclik. Berapa adsense kita yang akan terkumpul. semisal perhitungannya adalah :
-clickthrough value of the ads : $0.10/10 cent ( pengiklan adwords membayar pada google $0.10 untuk setiap klik pada iklannya )
-payout rate : 0.3 / 30% ( kita asumsikan rata payoutrate membayar rata2 segitu )
-CTR /clik : 0.09 ( iklan di munculkan 100 kali sehari dan diklik pengunjung 9 orang )
-Web page Traffic : 50 ( ada 50 pengunjung ke halaman tersebut )
frequency of ads : 100 ( iklan di munculkan 100 kali sehari )

pendapatan yang diperoleh dengan skala ( 9 clik ads, 50 pengunjung, nilai bid: $0.1, payout rate : 0.3 ) = $0.10 X 0.3 X 9 X 50 X 100 = $13.5 /hari , $405/ bulan.

3. Kejujuran. Kejujuran adalah modal dalam segala bisnis. Begitu pula dengan ini, kejujuranlah yang akan membawa optimal tidaknya sebuah klik ads. Dari 100 blog/web anggota, ada salah satu atau dua yang tidak mengklik iklan bisa mempengaruhi optimalisasi ads. Dan Enak sekali,bila yang tidak mengklik itu mendapati iklan nya diklik 100 pengunjung baliknya. Sangsi yang akan di berikan jelas,adalah tidak iklannya tidak akan diklik oleh anggota lainnya dan dikeluarkan dari komunitas ini. jadi kejujuran harus benar2 di lakukan, bermanfaat untuk diri sendiri dan teman-teman 100 blog/web lainnya.
4. Shoutmix dan sebuah buku tulis. Shoutmix berguna untuk mencatat aktivitas kita. blogwalking dan tentunya sebuah laporan. Sebuah laporan?iya, bila kita sudah mengeklik iklan sesama anggota 100 web/blog kita lapor lewat shoutmix bahwa sudah mengeklik. Untuk yang sudah dilapori,wajib hukumnya untuk mengeklik iklan. Untuk mengeklik ads sesama blog/web, kita membuka web/blognya jangan lewat google search ataupun menuliskan alamat web/blog langsung di bar mozila ataupun opera. Cukup lewat shoutmix yang telah di tinggali laporan tadi. Dengan cara ini kita cukup aman agar tidak di katakan curang oleh robot google. Hakekatnya, kita blogwalking dan kunjungan balik serta mengeklik iklan. Cukup Mudah kan! Buku tulis berguna untuk mencatat siapa-siapa saja yang menjadi anggota clik kita. Blog/web mana saja yang menjadi member kita. kenapa buku tulis? kenapa tidak kita pasang link saja? sederhannya adalah, kita tidak mau kalo perkumpulan klik ini terdeteksi google dan orang banyak.

Itulah Solusi cara yang saya tawarkan cukup mudah, simpel, dan bermanfaat. hanya berselancar di internet 1 jam/hari kita bisa meraih earning yang lumayan. Cukup 1 jam kita sudah bisa membuka 100 web/blog, lewat shoutmix tentunya. Bila ada berminat sampaikan lewat shoutmix di samping Post ini. Trimakasih ...


Hiking Adventures by: Charles McLaughlin

>> Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

For Family Trips Or Romantic Getaways Hiking Adventures Are Perfect

Hiking Adventures are nice because they are great for just about everyone, as well as just about any occasion. If you are interested in taking a trip? Whether you are looking to take a traditional trip with your family or go on a romantic getaway, have you ever thought about going on a hiking adventure? One of the many reasons why hiking is great for both romantic getaways and family trips is because hiking trails come in a number of different formats. This is great if you are planning on hiking with your children, as you should be able to find a number of hiking trails that would be easy for them to hike.

In the United States, you will find hiking trails that are designed for beginners, hiking trails that are designed for experts, as well as those that are at the intermediate hiking level. No matter what hiking trail you choose to hike, there is a good chance that you will come across a wide array of landscapes. This makes romantic getaways, one of the many reasons why hiking is perfect for a romantic getaway is because of the scenery. The scenery is one of the many reasons why hiking makes such a popular activity. Many hiking trails are set next to rivers; therefore, there is a good chance that you will get to see some waterfalls. These waterfalls, as well as the other scenery types that you may come across are perfect for romantic getaways. Hiking adventures can last as short as a few hours or as long as a whole week.

Many individuals who go hiking choose to stay onsite, often at an onsite campground. This is nice, as when you are camping you are one with nature. This setting is perfect for privacy, as well as romance. As for family vacations, camping overnight at a hiking park is also nice, as it adds another fun activity for you and your family to enjoy. If you are planning on hiking with your children, there is a good chance that they would find the camping part just as exciting as the hike itself.

Hiking parks are often home to a number of different hiking trails. In addition to being home to a number of hiking trails, as well as a campground, you will also likely find a number of other activities for you and your family or you and your romantic partner to participate in. For instance, it is not uncommon for a hiking park to have a playground or a swimming pool. This means that you and whoever else you are with may enjoy playing a few outdoor games or going for a swim. In todays society, hiking isnt just about hiking anymore.

As you can see, hiking is the perfect way to spend your next family vacation or even your next romantic getaway. If you are interested in enjoying a hiking adventure, you may want to think about making your reservations in advance. While you may not necessarily need a reservation to just go hiking, you may need one if you are interested in camping out overnight. Making your reservations in advance will help to ensure that your next hiking and camping adventure is as memorable as possible.


Home Made Energy Review June 2009 by: Tom Wright

Home made energy is one of the original diy guides on creating renewable energy. This guide contains step-by-step instructions and diagrams that illustrate how to build your very own solar panels and windmills. One great feature of this guide is a handy checklist of all the materials you'll need before you start building your energy sources. The guide is written for people who know little about solar and wind power generators, generators -. Taking you step-by-step through the fully illustrated instruction manual. That can make this a fun family project for everyone.

Home made energy is designed to help you learn how to use natural, renewable energy to power your home. Home made energy will detail how to build energy systems, such as solar panels and wind generators, out of inexpensive and easy to find materials. Home made energy can help you cut, or even eliminate, energy costs in your home. Since you will be using more natural energy, you will need less and less energy from the local power company. One of the biggest benefits of using homemade energy is that any excess energy that is produced by your solar panels or wind generators will be purchased by the power company, so you may even make a profit when you use systems described in home made energy.

The ever increasing cost of electricity is driving people all over the country to search for alternatives. One of those alternatives is creating their own renewable energy source. It is now possible to generate electricity without the expense of professional solar panel installations or turbines. There are now many guides available which teach you how to generate wind power by installing a windmill on your roof or in the yard. These guides also demonstrate how to build solar panels inexpensively using easily obtained parts. A complete installation can cost less than $200

Home made energy is an above average guide that shows you step-by-step how to create a windmill and solar panel in a short amount of time. You will learn how to build a windmill and a solar panel that could eliminate most of your energy bill,

The instructions in this guide are in depth easy to follow and include vidoe instruction. Home made energy includes blueprints and instructions for creating these simple renewable energy generators. The parts needed to create these can all be found at your local hardware store. By using this guide you will save hundreds of dollars a month and thousands of dollars a year and you will help the environment. Home made energy enables you to live of the grid and even Earn money from the electricity company!

Support at Home Made Energy is excellent at handling any questions you may have and give detailed help.

Finally home made energy is a really good value for money product and describes a step-by-step system to build a home renewable energy system. Whether you want to build a wind powered or solar energy system, this guide will teach you how to do both easily.


A Success Guide To Stock Market by: Manseo Sharma

Many people do not invest in stocks, because they consider them too risky. The success of any kind is risky. Starting your own business or investing in property is risky if you do not know what you do.

Most people today, for safety and road safety to put their money in savings accounts or bonds. If this sounds like you, you're missing a golden opportunity tomorrow to have more money than you have today.

There are no rules or pat formulas to guide you in choosing stocks. Bells will not ring when you pick the right stock, and you'll never be sure that much research will be profitable selection. You'll have to work hard to find opportunities missed by the masses of people.

Yet there are many things you can do to increase your chances of making a good choice. Before you invest in a stock, you must invest in what you understand, do your homework and take advantage of what you know about companies or industries.

It is important to research you believe that companies have a potential. For example, if you're interested in Walgreen Company, a drugstore chain in the country, you want to visit several stores. Look around the products they carry and the services they provide.

The same applies if you are interested in purchasing stock of Dave & Buster's, a chain of restaurants. Visit one in your area and dinner. Then go to another city and another visit Dave & Buster's and dinner as well. Take the advice of everyone, not just how the meal, but also how the service is and how it works.

This type of person, basic research is easy for anyone to do it, you do not need special powers to see how fast is a store sale or if it offers something new in the way of products or services. During your visit, ask an important question, "Which of your competitors do you respect the most.

You do not have to meet with business leaders to get the scoop on the industry. If you are already in the industry, you have a Catbird's seat. This includes producers, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, and anyone else connected.

For example, those in the oil industry, such as oil refineries, tank salesmen, owners of gas stations, or equipment suppliers, can come see the changes and benefit from it. They also know what the industry is moving and what the most important factors to monitor are.

Once you have chosen stocks do you consider worthy of the purchase or maintenance, it will be all you can do to stay with them if there is bad news around you. One of the cornerstones of the success of the investment in shares is: Never be afraid to own. Never sell shares as so-called experts in the media say that the sky is falling. You should only sell that company fundamentals are deteriorating.


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